
AfterMask: 45

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Literature Text

((Remember ya'll, this might be a new story, but Kang Im's still the one who owns TAL and its characters so please support the original webtoon! Thanks so much~! 'Safe and Sound' is by Different Heaven, I don't own the lyrics but psst go check them out while you're reading~))


Lun stared at Mano, the Fox barely holding himself off the ground. "It's been less than an hour, stop whining."

Out somewhere in the mountains, the new TALs were training. As the Kings still had to round up the Infected, Chau Yong and Hiljo were accompanying them, the redheaded elder at ease when it came to taking the creatures away from the streets.

Ara swung her fist hard into GamunBe's arm, the Ox just barely sliding back as he braced against her. "Get up, Mano. Are you going to disappoint your teacher right there?" The glaive-wielder heckled, SaeHa smoking as Jenna fruitlessly swung her staff about in a cluster of training dummies he'd made.

"Easy for you to say, brute strength." The Fox hissed, standing up with his hand braced on his knee.

MuYoung and EunYul were clashing, the Cat trying to utilize both the long claw-like blades his gloves grew while in his TAL form as well as his usual preference of firearms. Sadly, the combination seemed to only work for his twin, or rather the Butcher was simply much better at fighting in full form.

"Come on. You have much more strength now, knocking Joong back the way you did. You shouldn't have to be in danger to access that power." Lun told Mano as the Fox fully got to his feet, sweat coating Mano's skin.

Maru was trying to aim fireballs at moving target illusions created by HaNaRin, the HalMi able to use her energy solely for the task instead of having to hide them all out here. "It's easier said than done for some! We haven't had a lifetime of these powers!" The Rat responded as he finally managed to hit one...The only one he'd managed to hit.

"Why isn't Primate doing anything then?" Mano dryly uttered as he pointed at Sarah, whom was the one hiding their presences and doing nothing else beyond that and watching the rest of them.

Teora Hao was standing next to her. "Monkey's Ability is to grant wishes. There's no sort of training for that, we know already. And uselessly using up her lifeforce wouldn't do anyone any good. Her beasts are already working to capture and detain the Infected." The ChongGak pointed out. "The Kings are hard at work increasing their own stamina against curing the Infected. Build up your own when it come to your own powers."

"I hate this." Mano replied tersely as Jenna's staff finally clocked her in the head, the Sheep dazedly wobbling about as Nabi rushed to her and started healing her.

"[At least you're-]" Kang Im was interrupted by thunder rumbling behind them, revealed to be Mir and Haje clashing as if they were sworn enemies. "[-taking it easy...]" The avatar finished with a sigh, sweatdrops all over the lampshade head as they all paused to watch the spectacle. Mir's violin blasted waves of energy at Haje, who returned fire with his bolts that tore through the attack and tried to pin Mir's coattails to the ground. "[I really hope they don't create a volcano at this rate...]"

Mano sighed. "If even the monotone chicken's getting into it, I have no choice, do I?" He spaced his feet apart, and his energy visible static'd around him.

"Finally getting serious?" Lun questioned.

Nabi helped Jenna back up on her feet, looking over for a moment towards the city that sprawled out just beyond the reach of the mountains, a smudge of gray on the horizon. Somewhere in that gray blur was Jin's house, where Noah was, the girls and Jun and the JuZes watching over the once-TAL and Haru.

'...Just you wait, Oppa.' Nabi's expression scrunched with determination. 'We'll rescue Joong-Oppa. Then I'll do whatever I can to help you. I promise. As your Nunim...' Her eyes narrowed. 'It's my promise to you as your Nunim to help you!'

Kang Im was watching her thoughts. '[Good girl. Even if you're not mine, I'm proud. You'll be an excellent TAL.]' The avatar looked over the others, GamunBe fighting to force back Ara's heavy swings, Maru's aim and lobs picking up speed, MuYoung gritting his teeth and doing his best to coordinate two different weapons at once... '[This isn't my story but...It's becoming something really cool.]'

"They're all busy?" The old man was questioning Ho, whom was getting the dining room ready by himself.

The green-eyed Chachaoong laughed sheepishly, knowing ChoYi was in the kitchen cooking up a storm. "They really want to accomplish their goal, so it's not avoidable. Beu Ne and Lamb said they'd be by in the evening to help with dinner shift."

"Hmm...It is pretty sad that their friend was taken. But I'm sure that group can make things right." The old human nodded wisely. "If they can even change the kinds of people they meet, I'm sure." He then turned to go back into the kitchen, Ho watching him with shiny eyes full of quiet awe. "Now, let's focus on the types WE'LL meet! Make sure those are evenly spaced as always!"

The Yongma master saluted. "Yes! Got it~!"

"Ah, old man! Here-" ChoYi shoved a bit of steak into the human's mouth, grinning as the human's chibi spewed flames. "I tried using the Dragon's Breath hotsauce in the marinade!"

He was promptly clocked on the head with a pan. "You idiot! You'll kill someone like this!" The old man yelled, ChoYi laughing sheepishly as he rubbed the spot on his skull. "It's too spicy! But! Maybe in the stew...Only a bit though! It's nearly jet fuel after all! A few drops and into the stew! But not on the steaks!"

"Alright, alright, watch your blood pressure." The ChorangYi grinned.

He knew how hard they were all working at this point. News had started spreading of the mysterious 'disease', Jin's schoolmates just barely keeping the adults from panicking. But it was getting close; Jin and Yun had yet to master the ability to destroy the seeds, and more were popping up day by day. If Gasun had been with them, no doubt, they'd have been having an easier time collecting the Infected and reassuring the masses.

'But until we get him back we just all have to work hard.' The tall TAL thought. 'Even Noah would say that...'

The thought of his son, so downtrodden, so helplessly sad and forlorn... Suddenly, ChoYi perked, and he grabbed the old man's shoulder to begin explaining an idea.


When Noah woke up, it was to a grinning Yu Jin actually hovering over him, the once-TAL's eyes shrinking a bit in shock. "Hyung! You're awake! C'mon!" The still-surprised Noah was promptly dragged out of the futon and ushered downstairs, jerking as several party horns popped out of nowhere.


Literally, everyone was packed into the house. All of Yangban's students, Ella and YiRang and David, Sora, Mirine, Chan-U, all of the TALs and even the old man. "Oi, Rabbit! This better cheer you up or I'll be kicking your butt!" Ie Rae had shoved Mir downwards to perch on his back in order to yell to Noah, the Rooster growling about her as Haje sweated next to his boyfriend.

"It worked last time! Granted some things got messed with but..." ChoYi was beaming as he carried a tray of steaming samanko, freshly made by the look of how crispy the shells were.

Nabi suddenly popped into view, beaming as she held up a shirt to Noah. If he'd had his ears they would have fallen at the sight of the black rabbit outline on the tank top, but as it was, he simply took the garment and stared at it for a while. "And Cat-Oppa brought over a few things so we can game here at the Kings' house, Oppa." She informed Noah, showing the large TV and gaming system clearly from MuYoung's supply.

"Oi Teacher, since we're having a party, it's fine to rest for today isn't it?" Another of Yangban's students piped up, the aristocrat wearing a pained expression as he woodenly nodded.

There was already chatter building amid the party guests, but it all fell silent as they realized that one, Noah had yet to speak.

And two, he probably couldn't because he was crying.

Fat glazed tears were streaming down Noah's face, his cheeks red as he stared ahead into the crowd, then he promptly ducked his head to hide his face in the shirt. "O-Oppa!" Nabi reached for him, only to pause as he raced back out of the room.

"Well...That didn't work." Mano uttered dryly, getting swatted on the head by his teacher as GamunBe ran off after his mate.

Noah had buried himself into a mound of plushies, GamunBe weighing his options before sitting down beside the pile and lifting a few away to uncover Noah. "My Heart...We weren't trying to upset you further. I swear."

"----" Came a mumble from the pile, GaRam and GaBe peering in to see their parents.

The Ox leaned over Noah and brushed his lips to Noah's ear, the rabbit spooking and looking up at him in flustered alarm. "Sorry, that IS one of your moves, but..." GamunBe's smile was weary as he gazed into the darkened hues of his love. "I just want to know...What it is I can do to bring your smile back, Noah."

"...I...I can't..." Noah turned away, eyes shut, and for a moment he rocked with tremors.

GamunBe pressed a kiss to his cheek this time.

"...How can I face all of them?" Noah's voice was a shrill hoarse whisper, as if he'd neglected water for so long his throat had become a dried sponge. "I can't even DO anything now. I can't teleport, I can't find Monkboy, I'm useless-!"

GaRam was suddenly hugging his face, her own covered in teardrops as GaBe climbed into GamunBe's lap to also capture their Ma in the hold.

"My Heart." GamunBe rumbled gently. "It was never your powers that made us care about you."

Jin's knee was rhythmically tapping the ground as he bounced his leg, Yangban's troupe already eating away their anxiety. "So...who wants to go first at facing GamunBe after that?" Mano attempted to joke, falling silent when no answer came.

"Rabbit..." MuYoung stared at the doorway, Haru in his lap playing with Shadow.

Nabi had been sitting neatly staring at the floor the entire time but stood up. "Ah, Horse, it might not be a good idea-" SaeHa cautioned as she started for the door.

"I-I want to apologize at least!" She stuttered out. "I-I mean..."

ChoYi shook his head.

"Wasn't yo fault."

Promptly everyone in the room jumped, Noah in the doorway now wearing the shirt and a pair of pink shorts, all of his scarred skin showing. Nabi leapt at him, the tired-looking male not moving away as she clamped onto him in a hug. "Noah-" ChoYi started, faltering as he didn't know what to say.

"Smells good. Barbecue?"

Even a slight appetite from Noah was better than nothing, and there was a mad scramble as ChoYi and Jin rushed around the others to get plates. GamunBe was a willing throne for his mate, despite his raging blush as Noah leaned his back against the Ox's chest, and both JuZes had again become smaller to snuggle on the once-TAL's legs.

"Here Hyung! This is a sweet salad I made, I saw the recipe online!" Jin offered, EunYul chewing through a large section of steak as the scent of smoke and grilling meat wafted in from outside.

Nabi was hovering next to Noah, nibbling at a bowl of super spicy stew and keeping her gaze on him as Noah took small bites of anything and everything offered to him. "Oppa..." When he glanced at her, she flushed upon realizing he'd heard her. "Uh- Uhm- Uhm-" She showed him the bowl. "Ch-ChorangYi-Oppa made this new stew! It's very delicious! Do y-you want to try some?"

"ACK! Nuna! Careful!" The TAL had overheard her. "Noah's weak to spi-"

The air froze as Noah took a bite off her fork.

"...H....Hyung?" Jin quietly squeaked, waiting for the explosion they felt was coming.


"Bwah." Haru uttered as a hiccup exploded out of Noah.


"Oh my god." Ho was fighting back his grin.


"So that's why he never eats spicy food." HaNaRin wasn't hiding hers, the icy atmosphere gone as Noah sat there squeaking and convulsing with laughter, a weak but wide grin on his face as the sound erupted from him.


Nabi's hands covered her mouth as Noah tried to laugh and was interrupted by his hiccups. There were still bags under his eyes, and he seemed smaller than normal, but at the very least, there wasn't any tears. "OppaI'msosorrybutthisissocute-" She rapidly blurted out as SaeHa swatted Noah's back while giving him a glass of water, GamunBe hugging his mate with a smile.

"It's com- -HIC!- -pletely your fa- -HIC!- fault." He uttered between squeaks.

It was a relief. "G-guilty as charged!" Nabi replied through her own giggles. She caught the sight of Lotte smirking over the rim of his glass and she nodded to him.

"Eat up, Rabbit." Ho pushed another bowl to Noah, rice and seasonings and vegetables all stir-fried together. "You need the energy." The green-eye beamed as Noah nibbled, going to chat with ChoYi once he was satisfied with the once-TAL's compliance. However, as GamunBe was now over by Henry to help Lotte forcefeed the quiet Chachaoong, Noah took the opportunity to slip out of the house, Nabi following him with a fresh bowl of stew.

Noah stood near the gate, gazing off into space, and despite knowing the warnings the others had said to give him space, Nabi created a blanket and wrapped it around him. "You'll get cold standing out here too long, Oppa." She spoke softly as he looked at her.

"...Heh. It's gonna be summer soon. You sure about that?" His joke was as weak as his entire presence.

She moved close, then hesitated before placing her hands on Noah's shoulder. "Oppa...I-If you need to...Talk?" He took hold of her hand, and without any warning, they were suddenly out on the street, the gate open. "Uh?!"

"C'mon." Noah was striding towards the end of the road, turning to look at her. "I want to run for a bit."

There was literally no telling what his intention was. But... "O-okay." Nabi said in reply. She was still somewhat confused, but she didn't hesitate to follow him. They reached the end of the street in only a few minutes, but instead of turning to walk around the block, Nabi followed Noah out further. Past the streets that'd lead them back, into the heart of the city, further still as they passed by the school Jin and Yun went to. 'Oppa where are we going?' Nabi was about to voice that question when he suddenly launched up into the air, landing on a building nearby.

"You good at parkour?" He asked, glancing back down at her.

The girl was momentarily surprised by Noah's abrupt leap into the air, but she quickly regained her composure. "Th-that depends." she answered, looking up at him. "What's parkour?"

Noah answered by doing a backflip and vaulted onto the next building. He was in a crouch, and glanced back to her with a slight grin.

"I don't know if I can do this, but..." Nabi bit her lip, mentally preparing herself in case this went south. She began to bend her legs, and after another moment, launched herself into the air. She successfully landed on the building Noah had previously been on, though her landing was less graceful, the female stumbling and dropping to one knee for a moment. She quickly recovered however, and prepared to join Noah on the next rooftop with a running start.

The moment she landed next to him, Noah laughed, an honest floaty laugh, picking her up in a hug and spinning her. "You did it!" He set her down and this time did a somersault over the edge of the rooftop, bouncing off the wall and launching up with a flagpole to the water-tower on the next building over.

"U-Uh-" Nabi's way over was less showy and more 'panicked scrambling', as her dress and leggings didn't quite have room for impressive tucking and rolling maneuvers. Regardless, Nabi managed to join Noah on top, panting now. "I- -HUFF- I've never done this- -HUFF- before." She wheezed out, the evening air slightly stinging her lungs as Noah waved her over towards the edge. They were high enough now that the city sprawling around them dimly lit their faces.

Noah's hair no longer danced in the breeze, and the air across his neck felt alien. "Whenever we were wanting to blow off steam we'd go running. The city's huge, y'know?" He leaned his elbows on the edge of the rooftop. "You can just lose yourself in scaling this place."

"I see." She replied with a nod, looking over the city around them. "I-I've never done that before, but I think I can see how it helps blow off steam. It seems worth doing now and then too, for nice views like this." Better than her game graphics, Nabi secretly admitted, though the effort to get the view got a low rating.

The male beside her sighed deeply. "...You're a TAL now."

"Huh?" Nabi turned her head to look at him for a moment, not expecting the sudden topic change. "Oh, yes, I am. T-to be honest, I... I never expected to be one. I just...wanted to help, you know? The idea of becoming a TAL never occurred to me before. I never even thought it was something I could do." She let out a soft chuckle. "Life's full of surprises, I guess."

Noah wasn't laughing along with her, but at the very least, he wasn't exactly cold-shouldering her. "You deserve it. You want to help. You're so selfless...You're the exact kind of person who should be a TAL." He turned around and leaned his back against the low-rise, staring up at the rapidly darkening sky. "Somebody who'd do whatever you can to help whomever you can." His eyes were cloudy as he tried to dredge up memories without his heart clenching. "You'd even help at the cost of your life, wouldn't you...You really are different in that aspect."

Catching the shift in the mood, Nabi's expression changed to one of concern. "O-Oppa...?" She said quietly, gently lying a hand on his arm.

He pulled it away, but instead of it being him recoiling from her, Nabi found his arm around her waist, Noah's face pressing into her hair. A pigeon nearby cooed but the noise was lost in the wind, Noah practically clamped around the new TAL.

"...Usagi is gone. My Abilities won't work either. I tried before." He didn't pull away but maneuvered his arm to show her a darkened bandage around his ring finger. "I can't heal. I can't do any of my attacks. Hell, jumping right now's the only thing I have connecting me to any rabbit." His arm dropped to wrap around her. "I'm useless, and we still don't have Monkboy back. God, none of us have any idea on what to do."

The pigeon cooed again.

"It's selfish, but I understand Yun's feelings now. I want to away from all of this..."

He sounded so tired. He looked so tired. Nabi squeezed him tight, recalling his small baby form in her arms what seemed like a lifetime ago. "Oppa..." Was all she said at first, almost at a loss for words. "You're not useless, Oppa, even without your powers. An-and besides, maybe they'll come back? Who knows." She gave him a squeeze with her arm that was wrapped around him. "And we will get him back, e-even if we don't know how or when... We'll get him back."

"You sound so much more confident than I can make myself feel." Noah quietly uttered into her locks.

The wind picked up without warning.

"You really are the one who deserves to be a TAL." He said. "I don't think I was ever really supposed to be one..."

Nabi felt something in her chest surge up, and she recognized it from the same feeling she'd had when she'd protected Noah before. "Hey." She gave him a light pat. "Don't say that. Of course you were meant to be a TAL, ot-otherwise you wouldn't have been one to begin with, right?" She tried to sound confident while saying that, though her certainty wasn't quite as high, as she wasn't too knowledgeable on how being a TAL worked. "And besides. If-if either of us should be a TAL, it's you! You're so much more experienced than I am, and so much braver too..."

"You're the brave one." Noah immediately said. "Even though we had no idea we'd pull it off you still put your own in to save JuZe. Being the first across the war canal isn't brave, it's watching what happened and going in as the second swarm that's brave." He let go of her and looked out over the city, the sunlight now gone and nothing but stars stretching out overhead.

Nabi's mouth opened again to retort, but realized they were talking in circles. It'd go nowhere if they kept talking, Nabi too timid to really make emphasis on her words, and Noah too lost in dark sadness to be lifted either way. She'd have to try a different tactic to at least get him to return with her, and she'd try again some other opportunity. "We...We should go back now, Oppa. The food must all be gone by now and everyone might've realized we let-"


She stopped. "E-Eh?"

" I have to go back?" Noah was speaking slowly. "I should Keep running. There's no reason to stop. I mean, why not? I don't have any reason to be there anymore." His eyes were glimmering with something dark. "Yun was the one who was going to run, but he didn't. I can run away now because they'd be fine without me."

Nabi's jaw dropped. This REALLY wasn't the same guy she'd been getting to know the past few months! "O-Oppa! Let's go!" Her fingers made to grab his sleeve, to tug him into going back to the house she knew was in fact waiting for him.

Noah immediately stepped back to get out of her grip, only back didn't exist for him. What did exist was the low-rise of the rooftop, over which his back went arching as his feet slipped upwards and left solid ground. It seemed like time slowed in that moment, Nabi watching Noah as his frozen confusion stared back while he went over the edge.


Fill me up, with your smile
Like the sunshine brings the light
Fill me up, with a flame
I will let you win this game.

"Uh-" Noah choked out as he finally realized he was falling.

Take me up, when I'm down
'Cause with you
I'm safe and sound~

I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~

"OPPA!" Nabi launched right over the edge, lunging with her hand outstretched for him, just like the day they'd met. Her fingers latched around his wrist, and she pulled him flush against her, eyes dilating as she saw the street heading up to meet them.

I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~

The next thing he knew, Nabi had her legs stretched out beneath Noah's, and something, a number of somethings, were glowing bright around her feet.



Nabi lifted her chin, her eyes now shining with a perfectly pastel blue glow, and the light around her feet shifted into butterfly wings around her ankles, their descent slowing until her heels clicked quietly on the empty street. She blinked, and looked down at an equally in-shock Noah. "...Uh..." He gurgled out, stupefied.

"...If you want to run, then okay, Oppa." Nabi smiled, looking ethereal. "But I'll go with you to make sure you come home."

Fill me up, with your smile
Like the sunshine brings the light
Fill me up, with a flame
I will let you win this game.

With that, she broke into a run, Noah clinging to her back as her footfalls echoed like a stallion was storming across concrete. The city went by as a blur, lights and stray humans drifting by as they flew through the streets. Nabi could feel the wind rushing THROUGH her legs, like water through mesh netting, and it felt like it was making her faster.

Take me up, when I'm down
'Cause with you
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~

She could feel Noah's heartbeat hammering through his own chest and into her back, his grip on her shoulders tight...Tight and trusting. A corner came up, and she slid around the intersections fork and onto a new path. Nabi hadn't the slightest clue where they were going, but it felt as if something had a hold of her body. It wasn't threatening, and...It seemed like this might help Noah, in some irrational illogical way, so...Nabi allowed the power to carry out its intentions.

I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~
I'm safe and sound~

When finally they came to a halt, they were deep in the mountains, Nabi collapsing to the ground panting and wheezing as the energy drained, leaving her exhausted as Noah sat beside her. "I-Is that -wheeze- far enough -HUHHHH- Oppa?" She weakly rasped out, hoping the spontaneous action of her Mask had helped.

However, he made no remark in answer, and when she regained her breath, Nabi lifted her head to see they'd wound up in front of an abbey. Mist had formed with the sun's disappearance, and as the two watched, a figure appeared from the abbey's front gate.

"Hello there!"

Noah's jaw dropped, and Nabi's next breath stuttered to a halt as the figure limped towards them.

"We don't get many visitors out here. Are you looking to adopt? The office is closed haha!"

The person grinned at them, a wide smile of white teeth and tired but cheerful brown eyes and red hair. Red red hair, as pretty as red silk.

"Oh two look tired. Why don't you come in for a bit?"

He offered his hand to them, the other clutching a long stick that shifted as he pulled Nabi to her feet first, then Noah.

"My name's Johan. And you are?"

Noah's jaw shut in surprise as he blinked. "Jin?"
It snowed 8D I hate the cold ffffff

A double thanks to both :iconxxdarkblue-magexx: for German translations and the use of her character Sarah, and to :iconmemebun: for letting me use her character Nabi~ Thank you both for all your hard work in helping out with AfterMask!

Please support the TAL webtoon on Naver, and thank you for reading Tale of TAL~
© 2018 - 2024 forestchick501
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